Audacity Is A Powerful Really Free Audio Editor

No matter what you are using your microphone for, Audacity free audio editor and recorder can give a hand. 
Frequently on forums someone without any real knowledge or first hand expereience says that for serious audio editing you need expensive DAW programs.
First of all, Audacity is always completely free and open source when downloaded from It’s free of malware and surprise bundleware.
Audacity has a manic following in every type of audio editing and recording.These people fill thousands of web pages with help, tutorials and hints. there are hundreds if plugins available to meet whatever level of audio perfection you need. These people want to share, and provide a lot more specialized help then you will get with a top money DAW.
Audacity works with uncompressed audio to allow this wide range of effects. Now, This requires more processing power and disk space than is available on most mobile devices, hence I use it on a Win 10 PC. I didn’t care for using it on Apple big Sur, but then again, I hate dislike Mac for the most part, and traded in my Mac for a watch and a credit that I still haven't used.