Become a Voice Over Voice Actor

microphone for voiceover voice acting

Become a voice over voice actor quickly by checking out this guide to voiceover training, equipment and jobs. The point is to spend much less time and money in training and equipment purchasing and just get started on producing work.

I started by taking an introductory class which was relatively cheap for 4 hours. After the class we were to be evaluated and called by an instructor.

After a couple of days I received a callback as promised, only it sounded suspiciously like it came from an outbound sales phone call center. There were of course several flaws in my technique, which could be remedied by taking a very expensive class to start with.

After that would be various very expensive follow up classes, and of course for just under a thousand US dollars I could get a complete demo reel produced in house. Lucky me.

I started practicing and recording on my own and being honest with myself about how I sounded compared to the various genres of voiceover that I listened to. I practiced every moment I had available, and eventually felt quite skilled.

This is the point where any training or upgrades in equipment carry the benefit of having experienced the various nuances of voice, equipment, and job types. Do you hate doing narration? Find out before you take on training or a big job by reading for Librivox. That type of thing.

The availability of voice over voice acting jobs continues to grow, as does the interest in taking your money to train and to rent expensive sound studios for demo's. The theory of this guide is "just get started"

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